Monday 3 August 2015

Tuesday 7th July


Last night I fell asleep to the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. It's so peaceful and natural -  no traffic zooming past, just the waves against the shore, the constant drone of the insects, and the distant calls of the animals who call the jungle here their home.
      Breakfast this morning was the interesting combination of chicken noodles with frankfurters, and I woke up to discover that I have finally succumbed to the mosquitoes and received my first bite. I'm surprised I lasted this long to be honest!
     After breakfast a group of us got ready and went snorkelling while the divers did some work for their theory exam. We went quite far out by boat to escape the murkier water - although it's getting clearer by the day by the shore as it recovers from the bad weather. Out there, the water was much clearer and the boat ride itself was lovely again, let alone the actual snorkelling. You could see all the coral below us and so many fish of a thousand different colours darting in and out and swimming contentedly next to you.
      Unfortunately, just as I was getting back on the boat, I started to feel really ill (looking back I think it was probably a bit of sunstroke) and I threw up right into the sea. Lovely. Luckily the nausea didn't last long after that though!
      Me, Elsie, and Beth sat talking on the jetty for ages after we got back from snorkelling. Because the others were still out diving I had some more time to relax, so I took full advantage of it with a nap and a great shower. We've all been laughing about Sophie's Sagas again today; as well as being sick, I've also managed to sunburn one of my ears, which has now all blistered up...
     So today is our seventh day of the trip, and we're already a quarter of the way through. We've all settled in now, and bonded really well as a group, and as a whole we all get on really well and it already feels like we've known each other for ages, even though seven days ago I didn't even know half of the names of the people I'm now living with 24/7. Although we've still got three weeks to go, and a whole lot more adventures to come, it's starting to feel like the time we have left is going to go by incredibly quickly.

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