Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Wednesday 15th July


The first thing I remember from today is waking up shouting in pain because of cramp in my legs, but luckily it didn't last long and I was soon able to get back to sleep!
     Today I was finally able to get back to work!! We were painting today so because it was less strenuous I was finally allowed to join in fully. By the primary school they have a 'Corridor of Knowledge' which is basically a sheltered pathway with various quotes and posters stuck up all around it. However, it's a bit old now and the paint work has got pretty worm, so it was our job to scrape off all the existing paint, sand it down and then start painting again. It was really fun and it felt so good to be able to be useful again!
    Unfortunately, when we got back to camp we found that showers were off the cards again as there was no water - only this time there wasn't even any coming out of the taps either so showering from a bucket wasn't even an option. I really wanted to cool down so I was a bit annoyed about not being able to shower, so after spending ages scrubbing paint off of my skin with baby wipes and eating lunch, Gemma and I went down to the river and sat on the bank with our feet in the water. The river runs quite fast at that point so it was nice to feel the water running over your feet, and it was really cold and refreshing too. I was a bit reluctant at first, but once you got in it was definitely worth it. Eleanor, Eleanor, and Matt soon joined us and it ended up turning into a huge water fight, throwing rocks into the water to splash each other and kicking up water everywhere. We came back to camp laughing and squealing (and squelching), only for the heavens to immediately open and a huge rain storm to begin! We were already so wet anyway that we just stayed out in the rain enjoying it - some people even started shampooing their hair because it was basically as good as a shower, especially if you stood under the edge of the roof of one of the longhouses. Some boys from one of the other groups did belly slides across the grass into the huge puddles that were quickly forming.
     Eventually the rain stopped and it looked like it was time for us to try and dry off at last, but we were prevented from doing so by witnessing a talcum powder fight... Joe, Sam and Ethan were crouched up high in the longhouse, attacking anyone who walked past by pouring talcum powder down at them. Their first victims were Dave and Jess, who became absolutely covered, but then the three boys just ended up attacking each other until they were all pretty much entirely white and completely out of talcum powder!!
     Now - at last - we're dry and changed into clean clothes and I'm sat in the longhouse with Gemma, both of us scribbling away in our diaries. It's been nice to have the afternoon off as a group (even though I have had a couple of afternoons off for other reasons, it's not quite the same thing...) and hopefully the evening will continue to be just as nice and relaxed.

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